The Courage to Look Deeply Starts with Intention
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The Courage to Look Deeply
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Gratitude as an Affirmation of Goodness
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Everyday Dukkha, Everyday Happiness
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Reclaiming our Strength with the 5 Spiritual Faculties: Concentration & Wisdom
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Reclaiming our Strength with the 5 Spiritual Faculties: Mindfulness
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Reclaiming Our Strength with the Five Spiritual Faculties; Week 2, Energy & Effort
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Reclaiming our Strength with the 5 Spiritual Faculties: Week 1, Faith
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Self Respect, Social Conscience and Radical Responsibility, Part 2
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Self Respect, Social Conscience and Radical Responsibility, Part 1
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Truthfulness & Metta; Paths to Awakening
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I Love You, Keep Going
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You Are Already Wise
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Taking the Side of Peace
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Growing the Paramis From the Ground of Wise Effort
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Clearing A Space, Beginning Again
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Be Still, Wait & See; Trusting the Agents of Fermentation
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Kindness is What Keeps Us Alive
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Remembering the Intention Not to Cause Harm
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The Compass of the Heart: Intention, Attention & Attitude
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Place Your Heart Upon the Practice & Take the Next Step
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Radical Presence, Part 2
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Radical Presence, Part 1
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The Impossible & Necessary Path of the Bodhisattva
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The Most Beautiful Day in the History of the World
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Be Fully Present, Feel Your Heart, Take the Next Step, Part 2
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Be Fully Present, Feel Your Heart, Take the Next Step, Part 1
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Thank You Very Much, I Have No Complaints Whatsoever
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The Natural & Radical Practices of Wisdom & Compassion
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Make Good Use of the Mud
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Tatramajjhattata: Here in the Middleness of Our Lives; Choosing a Path & Taking It
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It's All a Practice of Letting Go
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What Makes Mindfulness Wise; an Integration of the Noble Eightfold Path
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Creating a Culture of Gratitude, a Culture of Reciprocity
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Place Your Heart Upon Your Practice: Exploring the Five Spiritual Faculties
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The Three Most Important Things
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The Space In-Between: Beauty, Awe, Silence & Nothing
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Relaxing the Edges of Time: Four Cardinal Teachings for a Lifetime of Practice
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Nurturing the Soil; Generosity, Morality & Renunciation
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Innate Nobility, Interconnected Compassion & Wise Livelihood
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Integrating Change As A Path To Wholeness
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Place Your Heart Upon The Dharma
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Let Love Holds Whatever Arises
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Take the Path of Love
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Intention, Commitment & Determination: Balancing the 3 Legged Stool
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The Task of a Lifetime: Dissolve Contention, Forgive Everyone & Wake up!
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Dukkha as a Path to Happiness
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Intimacy With Everything; The Necessity of Suffering
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It Matters That You Notice
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Everyday Meditation for Everyday Life: Come Back & Begin Again
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Waking Up to This Moment Through the Eyes of Mary Oliver
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Befriending Discomfort Everywhere: Self, Each Other & Beyond
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Reclaiming Our Strength Through the 5 Spiritual Faculties
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Ground, Path & Fruit; Discovering Our Inner Nobility
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Cultivating an Appropriate Response to Violence, Yet Again
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Choosing the Path and Taking It; A Manifesto for Practice (with special guest Sylvia Boorstein)
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Renunciation & Kindness; a Symbiotic Relationship
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Our Essential Ease & Peace
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Taming the Flames; Trauma, Resiliency & Loving Life Anyway
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Honoring Endings, Welcoming Beginnings
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To Press Our Hands to Each Other's Hearts
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Creating a Culture of Gratitude, a Culture of Reciprocity
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Your Innate Nobility & Wise Livelihood
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Finding Ground in Turbulent Times; Befriending Our Lives
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Begin at the Beginning & Begin Again and Again and Again
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Strength, Steadiness & Courage; The Practices of Renuncation & Faith, Part 2
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Strength, Steadiness & Courage; The Practices of Renuncation & Faith, Part 1
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Taking Refuge in the Buddha as an Expression of Love
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The Joy of Realization...or Tacos & Lemonade
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Tending to What We Love; Joy as an Act of Resistance
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Refuges, Precepts, Renunciation & Spiritual Urgency
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Is Suffering Optional?
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Cultivating Happiness; Choice & Chance
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Falling in Love with the Earth
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Wise Effort as a Radical Act of Hospitality
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What's in the laundry bag, anyway?
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I Undertake the Training to Take Good Care
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The Parami of Patience - A Primary Practice
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Expanding the Bottom Line of the Heart
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Why We are Here; a Tribute Class to Sylvia Boorstein & Donald Rothberg
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