Support & Guidance

Individual Sessions

Contact us any time and we'll be in touch right away to schedule a session.

Private sessions are about an hour, the fees are offered on a sliding scale. They can be paid on this page or via Venmo @Heidi-Bourne-1 or PayPal, @pacificmindfulness. We offer a sliding scale and ask that you pay at the highest level appropriate to your circumstances. This supports others who would otherwise not have access to our services.

All information provided herein is confidential. By purchasing this consultation you agree and release from liability and hold harmless Heidi Bourne and Pacific Mindfulness. This release is for any and all liability for personal injuries, physical, emotional or mental, (including death) in connection with consultation, courses & teaching facilitated by Heidi Bourne.

Additional information

Private Session

Private Session Scholarship Rate – $95, Private Session Base Rate – $125, Private Session Sustainer Rate – $150, Private Session Benefactor Rate – $175

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All information provided herein is confidential. By purchasing this consultation you agree and release from liability and hold harmless Heidi Bourne and Pacific Mindfulness. This release is for any and all liability for personal injuries, physical, emotional or mental, (including death) in connection with consultation, courses & teaching facilitated by Heidi Bourne.
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