Tending the Body, Mind & Spirit: A Well-Being Retreat for Healthcare Professionals

  • Healing the Healer

    Tending the Body, Mind & Spirit: A Well-Being Retreat for Healthcare Professionals

Oct 10th, 2024

In the complex world of healthcare, caring for others requires that you care for yourself, though healthcare professionals commonly leave out tending to their own well-being. The noble path of supporting others has many beautiful and rewarding benefits and it can also come with depletion, stress, challenges and overwhelm. Join us and Off-Grid Retreats for a few days of rest, discovery and renewal.

Thursday to Sunday
October 10 - 13, 2024
Shelterwood Collective
Cazadero, CA

Drawing on the perspectives of Buddhist practice, everyday mindfulness, psychological trauma healing practices, and the wisdom of the natural world, this is an opportunity to nurture your well-being, increase capacity and resilience, and take refuge in community to meet the difficulties and challenges inherent to care-providing.

This unique retreat includes periods of silence, nature led meditations, mindful movement, reflective journaling, beautiful hikes, small inquiry/discussion groups and time to rest, relax and rejuvenate. Giving yourself time to deepen the sense of embodied interconnection with life and relational attunement directly supports the ability to care for others.

Held in the beautiful rolling hills of Shelterwood Collective, near Cazadero, California about two hours north of San Francisco, our retreat spans four days and three nights. We’ll be supported by Off-Grid Retreats who provides our lodging with furnished glamping tents, nourishing meals, and administrative retreat support. You’re also welcome to bring your own camping gear if you prefer.

Our retreat is designed to be enjoyable, not rigorous, and we ask you to come with an open mind and heart as we build our community and share experiences together. There will be a flow between alone time, group time, and silence, which makes space for a restful, nourishing and fruitful experience.

To fully support the integrity of the retreat, all of us will all share in the community work around meal preparation and cleanup. At the start of the retreat, you will be able to choose your helper/yogi job. Most participants find serving others in this way quite enjoyable, and a great opportunity for practice in action.

Additionally, please plan to be unplugged and out of cell phone or wi-fi reach during the retreat and complete all personal business before you arrive. The staff will have the ability to make and receive emergency calls on your behalf, but the phone is not available for personal use.

Thursday to Sunday
October 10 - 13, 2024
Shelterwood Collective
Cazadero, CA

Everyone is welcome; new and seasoned meditators, LGBTQIA+, and those of any background age of 18 and over. In support of our contemplative practice and our time together, this retreat will be free from alcohol and recreational drugs.

Some mindfulness experience is valuable but not required, and beginners are welcome. Complete mindfulness instructions will be given, appropriate for your level.

No background understanding of individual, ancestral or collective trauma is necessary. There will be time to learn, explore and understand ways to be in relationship to what these types of traumas are, as well as safe and supportive practices to heal.

We hope you’ll join us! 

RETREAT FEES (does not include support for the teachers):
$245 - $545 based on lodging choice
(plus additional transaction fees)

$200 - $600

Please note, the retreat fees only cover the retreat costs: food, retreat center fee, administration costs, and other incidental expenses. On the final retreat day, Oct 13th, you will be invited to offer support for the teachers. Suggested support for Teachers is $200 - $600.

Contact: [email protected]

All Registration is Provided by Off-Grid Retreats
Click Here to Register

Meet the Teachers:

Heidi Bourne is a meditation teacher in the Insight Meditation tradition and is the founder and guiding teacher of Pacific Mindfulness. She has been teaching since 2005 offering classes, series courses, nature retreats, trauma-informed and resiliency-focused professional programs, and teaches regularly for Spirit Rock Meditation Center. She holds certification in mindfulness facilitation from UCLA, trauma resiliency from the Trauma Resource Institute, and is a member of the International Mindfulness Teachers Association. Heidi is especially interested in the integration of the common sense, accessible and timeless teachings of awareness, ethics, and compassion into the complexity of our everyday lives. She is known for her grounded, down-to-earth humor and presence. She has a background in nursing, 35 years in small business ownership, and lives with her family in northern California.

Rochelle Calvert has a devoted love to share the power and healing potential of mindfulness, somatic awareness, and nature. She has studied and taught mindfulness for the past 19 years and knows personally the transformational potential. Rochelle currently leads courses and retreats in mindfulness, somatic experiencing, and Awake in the Wild- nature-based mindfulness. She is also the Eco-Therapy director for Southwestern College and New Earth Institute. She is a certified mindfulness teacher with the Mindfulness Teaching Institute and the International Mindfulness Teachers Association. She has also trained and assisted with Mark Coleman and as an Awake in the Wild meditation teacher. She practices mindfulness-based meditation rooted in the Buddhist Theravada Tradition and practices meditation outside in nature daily.


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